Yoni Detox Pearls
Yoni Pearls work by the specially selected herbs creating a pulling effect that draws toxins, bad bacteria, dead cells, old blood clots, mucus and more out of you while at the same time tightening your yoni and deterring vaginal dryness. Yoni Pearls contain potent traditional herbs that aid in the removal of toxins from the vagina. Detox pearls, they are small cloth-covered balls packed with herbs like Mothersworth, Rhizoma, Angelica, Osthol and Borneol. 3 YONI PEARLS EQUALS ONE CLEANSE. Depending on your body some detoxes may last longer.
Key Benefits: (Suitable for people with)
Abnormal vaginal discharge (Leucorrhea) vaginal itching, Irregular menstruation, Menstrual pain
Endometriosis, Cervical Erosion, Annex Inflammation.
Bacterial Vaginitis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Yeast Infection.
Ovarian Cysts, Uterine Fibroids, and other diseases of the uterus.
Melasma, Dark spots, poor sexual health and other gynecological diseases.